3D model for milk robot unit

220 cow new robotic dairy in Wiltshire, UK - 2022 This was phase 1 (4 robots) of a 12 robot project.

Dairy Cow housing by Cow Plan Ltd.

3D model for milk robot unit
Experienced building design and layout
If you are planning new dairy housing, major farm buildings review or simply need to improve your existing level of Cow Comfort, we are the company to help.
About CowPlan®
High Cow Welfare dairy housing
With over 23 years of experience, and qualified as an Animal Scientist, Ivor Davey will assess your business needs, in order to maximise cow welfare and production from housed cows.
Comfort products
Dairy Housing products
Variety of cubicle design for all ages, and excellent systems for mattresses or sand beds. Also, feed solutions, flooring, drinkers, ventilation and lighting.
Vision & Values
"If you don't know where you are going, how are you going to get there?"
Feel reassured in who you are working with by understanding CowPlan's key vision and vaules.